The Blog

4 Best Mamba Based LLM

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. We’re here to talk about Mamba

By Sujeet Kumar

Top VS Code Plugins for Local Coding Assistance

Are you a developer looking to take your Visual Studio Code (VS

By Sujeet Kumar

Best LLM For Home Assistant

Imagine a world where your smart home doesn't just respond to your

By Sujeet Kumar

3 Open Source LLM With Longest Context Length

Tired of chatbots that forget what you just said? Open-source LLMs (Large

By Sujeet Kumar

11 Best MOE LLMs and Their Capabilities

The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) approach in Large Language Models (LLMs) represents a significant

By Sujeet Kumar

6 Mobile Apps for Running Local LLMs (Offline)

Ever wished you could have a super-powered AI assistant chilling on your

By Sujeet Kumar

Best TTS For Oobabooga Web Ui

Oobabooga is a web UI for large language models (LLMs) that can

By Sujeet Kumar

Best Presets for LM Studio

In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, the ability to personalize and

By Sujeet Kumar